Nameplate Care

Naturally, we want your special gift to last a lifetime. We have taken steps to ensure that your custom nameplate stays in great condition, but we need your help as well.

  1. Be sure to keep your nameplate in dry conditions.
    Exposure to extreme heat or wet environments can cause the wood aspects of our nameplates to warp.
  2. Take care when cleaning your nameplate.
    While we have worked to seal your nameplate tile and wood backing together, cleaners can leak in between and cause the two to separate.
    To properly clean your nameplate follow these instructions:

    Glass Tile: Using the glass cleaner of your choice (we like Windex), spray a paper or cloth towel until it is somewhat moist and then clean the tile directly. If you need to clean the tile edges, please use caution not to let the cleaning product drip into the gap between the wood and glass.

    Wood Back and Base: All wood furniture polish is acceptable (we like Pledge). Like the glass cleaner, spray the product directly onto a paper or cloth towel and then clean the hard surfaces. Be careful to ensure that you do not allow cleaning products to enter the gap between the glass tile and wood backing.
  3. Contact us if you have any questions.
    We are always happy to help with any questions you may have. Just reach out to us at [email protected].